您现在的位置: 聘请程序

发布时间:2020-06-01     文章来源:      浏览次数:


The materials relating to the background of a foreign teacher are as follows :


1.      工作资历证明。由申请人原工作过的单位出具从事与现聘用岗位工作相关的工作经历证明,包括职位、工作时间或曾经做过的项目,工作评价;需写在单位信纸上,须申请人原工作单位加盖公章或负责人签字,并留有证明联系人有效联系电话或电子邮件。如果是刚刚全日制学习毕业,则由毕业学校或教育机构出具类似的学习证明和评价。

Recommendation letter from your previous employer, including the position, the time, job evaluation, contact person and telephone number, with a handwriting signature or the firm stamp. If you just graduate from university, please offer a study evaluation.


2.      最高学位(学历)证书或相关批准文书、职业资格证明。最高学位(学历)证书在国外获得的,应经我驻外使、领馆或申请人获得学位(学历)所在国驻华使、领馆或我国学位(学历)认证机构认证。最高学位(学历)证书在港澳特别行政区和台湾地区获得的,应经我国学历认证机构认证或经所在地区公证机构公证。最高学位(学历)证书在中国大陆境内获得的,提供学位(学历)证书原件。

Highest academic degree diploma or vocational qualification certificate, which must have consular authentication. That is to say, your diploma should be certified by embassies or consulates of PRC in your country, or embassies or consulates of your country in China; If you get your highest degree in China, you only need to send a photocopy of your degree and don’t need to do the certification.


3.      无犯罪记录证明。应当由申请人国籍国或经常居住地警察、安全、法院等部门出具并经我国驻外使、领馆认证或外国驻华使、领馆认证。在港澳台地区出具的无犯罪记录证明,应经所在地区公证机关公证。近一年经常居住地(不包括在中国大陆境内)与国籍国不同的,须提供申请人国籍国和经常居住地的无犯罪记录。无犯罪记录签发时间应在6个月内。(注意:如所聘外籍人员已经在中国境内工作一年或以上,签证类型为工作签证,并在有效期内,可以不提供无犯罪记录证明。)

Non-criminal record certificate, which also must have consular authentication. It should be certified within 6 months by your home country’s or the place of your habitual residence’s police station, court of justice, and notarized by embassies or consulates of PRC in your country, or embassies or consulates of your country in China. The place of your habitual residence is where you leave your home country for and have lived for more than one year consecutively, not including the mainland of China.


4.      申请人护照(证件信息页;及近三年出入境记录页,如果有的话)。

Your passport(including the information page, visa page, exit and entry records within 3 years).


5.      个人简历。需包括本人的求学经历(从高中开始),工作经历,联系方式等。如有担任社会团体职务,也需在工作简历中一并列出。

Your resume should include educational experience (starting from high school experience), work experience, your phone number and email. If you have any position in any social unit, please write it down on your resume.



1.     以上材料若非中文版本均需提供中文翻译件,但护照或国际旅行证件除外。

2.     疫情期间,各二级学院还需提供邀请外教回校工作的紧急必要性报告给学校疫情防控小组讨论。


